Psicologia Dinamica's F.A.Q.

  1. How to receive the journal?
    Compile the suitable buy-form.


  2. How to start a collaboration with Fenorabia Group Europe?
    Send a message to


  3. How can I submit a project to Fenorabia Group Europe?
    Send a message to


  4. How can I publish a scientific work on the journal?
    Send a message to


  5. How can I participate in the Itinerant Seminar "L'Immaginario Simbolico"?
    Compile the pre-registration forms
    ;  Form1; Form2.

  6. How can I participate in your scientific research?
    Send a message to

  7. How can I communicate my difficulties or problems?
    Send a message to

  8. How can I communicate mistakes or inaccuracies on your web-site?                         Send a message to