In the modern world the stress is one of the most frequent causes of uneasiness because of the various motives of tension which in the actual society can bother the routinary life of a person.

The stress, which originates from the excessive solicitation of the normal processes of adaptation, provokes in the individual an alteration of the homeostatic equilibrium with somatologic and psychological implications through the activation of the psicho-neuro-endocrine­immune axis

The stress can precociously be diagnosed through the correct evaluation of a series of physical (as palpitations, tiredness, digestive troubles, headache, recurrent infections etc.), psycho-emotional (as oscillations of humor, accentuation of the anxiety, increase of the susceptibility, lowering of the self-esteem) and behavioral symptoms (as an increasing alcohol or tobacco abuse, sleep disorders, troubles of the food behavior, functional troubles of the sexuality, excessive emotional reactivity etc.). Today we have besides valid diagnostic tools, on the base of specific questionnaires, fit to quantify the degree of stress reached by an individual.  


In order to offer a suitable answer to the needs of preventing and curing the different stress psychosomatic troubles, the Day-Hospital in Marsala and the Soc. C. "Fenorabia Group Europe" have founded a Psychosomatic Service.


Società Cooperativa
Fenorabia Group Europe




The service is coordinated by Dr. Alfred Anania and offers specialistic psychosomatic counselling, psychological conselling, individual psychotherapy and group-psychoterapy. Besides, the service has the assignment to offer, through an équipe-work, a counselling of liaison, in cooperation with physicians and various medical specialists, relatively to those organic pathologies that turn out, for patients and their families, very serious and in which, therefore, an integrative psychological support has indication, beside the medical assistance and treatment.  

For information and bookings, to phone to: 3389718617


